Psychedelic Preparation

Our first pillar of care is always client safety. Our role is to provide you with the information and support you need to make an informed decision.

We dive into the profound realm of psychedelic assisted therapy with a commitment to your wellbeing. We understand that the journey begins with proper preparation – a vital aspect for a safe and transformative experience. Our thorough screening process aims to uncover individual risks, setting the stage for establishing therapeutic intentions and fostering an environment of openness.

Central to our ethos is the cultivation of self-awareness. We guide you in strengthening this introspective quality, creating a foundation for a journey that goes beyond the psychedelic experience.

  • Although psychedelic substances carry a low risk of fatal overdose or addiction, they are not entirely without risk. PATNZ adheres to strict exclusion criteria to safeguard individuals with physical or psychological vulnerabilities. Despite being among the least dangerous recreational substances, precautions are essential.

  • We delve into psychedelic experiences with a deep appreciation for the influential "Set and Setting" theory. This theory highlights the crucial impact of psychological mindset and environmental context on shaping the journey into the psychedelic realm. "Set" encompasses the intricate interplay of mental state, intentions, expectations, and personality, while "Setting" encompasses the physical, social, and cultural environment surrounding the psychedelic session (Hartogsohn, 2017).

    Our approach involves more than just acknowledging these concepts – we embrace them wholeheartedly. Supportive preparation is a cornerstone of our methodology, aiming to empower individuals for an optimized journey. We believe in imparting knowledge and providing the necessary tools, educating individuals on how to navigate and mitigate potential risks. This preparatory phase aligns seamlessly with the harm reduction approach in psychedelic-assisted therapy, an empathetic and empowering methodology that places a premium on individual agency and autonomy (Gorman et al., 2021).

  • 2 x 1 hour sessions at a minimum, these sessions will be held in person or via Zoom

    Please note: Complex cases may require month/s of preparation as we build a safe container to ensure you can trust, let go and be open. These qualities are the cornerstone of this work and the reason the relationship is so important.

  • Dr. Peter Addy emphasises the importance of setting an intention for the psychedelic experience. This conscious purpose serves as a guiding point, shaping thoughts, emotions, and visions during the profound inner journey. Establishing a clear intention contributes to a more purposeful and directed experience.

  • Psychedelics enhance suggestibility and reduce defenses, making set and setting pivotal in shaping experiences. A secure, comfortable environment and a trusting relationship, often referred to as a therapeutic alliance, with a compassionate guide, play a crucial role in supporting vulnerability and enhancing the likelihood of a meaningful psychedelic experience.

Preparation typically encompasses the following…

“Rigid feeling, thought and behavioral patterns can unclench; the self can re-arrange itself and develop its inner and outer resources more deeply.

So there we get to the concept of a true self and one that can be reconfigured, or at least rediscovered with the help of psychedelic plants”

— Gabor Maté